


Where is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart buried?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

No One Is Sure

The daughter of which President was briefly a concert singer?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Warren Harding
Lyndon Johnson
Calvin Coolidge
Harry Truman

What is the name of the top Bush aide who resigned in 2002 to move back home to Texas?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Robert Novak
Condoleezza Rice
Karen Hughes
Carl Rove

What did Louis Braille invent?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

A Writing System For Blind People
Steam Engine

Who defeated Richard Nixon to become President of the United States in 1960?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Jimmy Carter
Spiro Agnew
Lyndon B. Johnson
John F. Kennedy

What President resigned due to his association with the Watergate scandal?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Bill Clinton
Lyndon Johnson
Richard Nixon
John F. Kennedy

What President said, "If they want to put me behind bars, let them"?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Bill Clinton
Richard Nixon
Andrew Johnson
Andrew Jackson

What U.S. President once ran an unsuccessful Kansas City clothing store?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Jimmy Carter
Harry Truman
Grover Cleveland
Rutherford B. Hayes

What U.S. President blocked France's Emperor Napoleon III from claiming dominion over Hawaii?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Ulysses S. Grant
Grover Cleveland
Millard Fillmore
Benjamin Harrison

What traffic-altering New York City transit event occurred in 1904?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Subway Collapsed
Subway Opened
Trolley Was Installed
Transit Worker Strike

What future Vice President served as President Gerald Ford's Chief of Staff from 1975-77?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Donald Rumsfeld
Dick Cheney
Nelson Rockefeller
Henry Kissinger

What state was Jeb Bush elected governor for?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

New York

Who was the Captain of the USS Arizona when it was sank at Pearl Harbor?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Oliver Hazard Perry
Franklin Von Falkenberg
Jeremy Anderson
Thomas Anders Pocella



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