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Everyday Cheapskate: Don't Let Mistakes Set You Back

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

I love to watch home remodeling television shows. They give me confidence that I really could remodel a kitchen, build a shed or even install new windows all by myself. Usually, the feeling passes quickly, but I find myself feeling comfortable around power tools, and I do enjoy a good home improvement store.

Recently, the host of one of the ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: When You Should Opt Out of a Credit-Card Interest Rate Increase

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Wouldn't it be great if low interest rates never changed? Sadly, the saying "All good things must come to an end" applies to credit cards too. Credit card companies are known for raising interest rates unexpectedly. They only need to give you a 45-day notice before increasing your rate, which can feel sudden.1

Have you heard from your credit ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Tough Love for Financially Irresponsible Parents of Adult Children

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Dear Cheapskate: I read stories about parents with grown children who constantly need bailouts. What do you do when it's your 62-year-old mother who has the money problem? My mom has a job and makes enough money to support herself. In 2003, she bought a house for $95,000. She had little debt at the time. Since then, she's refinanced her home ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: 7 Clever Ways to Build a Cash Stash

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

While a lot of us believe we're saving money when we buy things on sale, it's not true unless we actually save the difference between the regular price and the sale price. That could be stopping at the bank on the way home from the store and actually depositing the amount of money we didn't spend in a savings account -- or some other equally ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Mark Your Territory With Citrus

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Do neighborhood cats insist that your property (porch, door, flower beds) is their territory? Well, my dear reader, break out the lemons and oranges, and shout hallelujah! You're about to discover a very pleasant, harmless way to direct them away, plus much more!

CAT SCRAM. I place lemon and orange slices and rinds around my front door and ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: You Need a Kitchen Assistant

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Professional chefs have sous chefs to do all the hard work and to see that meals get to the table in a timely manner. While I wouldn't characterize myself as a chef, I do have a home kitchen assistant, and quite frankly I just don't know what I'd do without her.

Three or four mornings a week, I hastily give her my plans for dinner and head to ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Know Your Cheapskate Etiquette

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Face it. Living below your means and staying out of debt, especially in the inflationary times in which America finds itself, requires a good bit of creativity. We have to get pretty clever to stretch a buck.

But just how far can we go in matters of being cheap before we cross the line between good etiquette and outright rudeness? When in doubt...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: It Starts With Knowing How to Manage a Paycheck

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Millennials, born between 1981 and '96, represent the largest, most educated and culturally diverse generation in American history. This demographic cohort holds significant sway over the future trajectory of the U.S. economy through their financial choices, which are being made within a progressively intricate financial environment. That's the ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Stop Whining!

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

As the mother of two young world-class whiners, the behavior modification techniques described in the booklet "Stop Whining!" appeared too simple to be taken seriously. In desperation, however, I decided to give the anti-whining program my best shot. At the time, our two sons were ages 4 and 5.

Day One: Whenever one of the boys whined, I did ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: When You're Stuck and Can't Get Going

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

A question I receive nearly every day goes something like this: I'm ready to get started taking back control of my finances. But how do I get started? It's like I'm stuck.

Don't think you are alone if you find yourself wanting to do all the steps at once. But that could be a big mistake. In the same way when building a house you wouldn't pour ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: How Much Is the Right Amount of Laundry Detergent?

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Dear Cheapskate: I adore all your fantastic tips for washing machines and laundry, but could you lend some advice on how to get the detergent amount just right? I really dislike the uncertainty of using too little or too much -- it's like playing a guessing game every time I do a load. I attempted to find some guidance online, but unfortunately,...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: 6 Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Wardrobe Without Spending a Dime

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Could your wardrobe use a long overdue boost? Maybe you're eyeing a career move, aiming to project a more polished image at work or simply looking to raise the bar when it comes to school drop-offs and PTA meetings.

Perhaps you're diving back into the dating scene or could just use a little pick-me-up. Sure, some might shrug off the ideas that ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Take it Slow and Easy!

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

That slow cooker you keep on reserve for the cold months of winter is a perfect solution for summer, too -- especially during these days when you just cannot look another takeout meal in the face. Think about it: A slow cooker creates very little heat and costs only pennies a day to operate. And with energy costs skyrocketing, slow cooking is ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Bonus vs. Salary Bump, Family Squabbles, and More Reader Quandaries

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Dear Cheapskate: I just had my annual review at work. My boss told me I'm doing a good job then gave me the option of taking my raise as a lump sum or a salary increase. But I'm not sure if it's better to get the money all at once or spread out over the entire year. What is the right decision? -- Geoffrey, Ala.

Dear Geoffrey: If you take the ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Top 5 Brilliant Hacks to Kickstart Your Vegetable Garden

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

As you might imagine, I grew up with more than a few adults greeting me with, "Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?" followed by a big smile or, more often, laughter. It was embarrassing, but probably not for the reason you assume. I didn't know how to answer that question! I didn't know what "contrary" meant, I didn't have a ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: How to Wash White Laundry to Keep It Looking Brilliant

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

In the same way there are rules in life for things like how to drive a car, how to cook a meal or how to manage your money, there are a few simple rules for how to wash white clothes to keep them looking brilliant and clean. And if they happen to get a bit dull, gray or yellowed, there are rules for how to restore the brightness of washable ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: How to Know if Stay-at-Home Is a Reasonable Solution

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Dear Cheapskate: With two little boys, my husband and I are paying through the roof for day care. It seems like almost all the money I earn goes to child care, so I've been thinking of quitting my job and staying home with the kids. I'm enthusiastic at the thought of spending more time with them, but I also want to be sure my family will be OK ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: How to Date on a Budget

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Wallet a little thin these days? With some creative thinking and a relaxed, open-minded attitude, you can plan a fantastic date without breaking the bank. Think about it this way: Going frugal is a way to make sure you're with someone who values experience over material things!

Take a stroll. Whether it's in a park, downtown or anywhere else, ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Make Sure You Have These 9 Essential Pantry Items

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

I won't ask if you've been paying attention to what's going on with food in the U.S. Who could possibly avoid getting smacked in the face nearly every day with the high cost of feeding a family?

I just read that the average cost of ground beef in the U.S. is hitting an all-time high. I believe it, and not only beef. It is shocking how grocery ...Read more

Everyday Cheapskate: Clever and Frugal Uses for Baking Soda

Consumer / Everyday Cheapskate /

Sodium bicarbonate, commonly known as baking soda or bicarbonate of soda, is an alkaline compound that, when combined with acid, produces harmless but useful carbon dioxide gas. When used to bake biscuits or cake, the small bubbles of carbon dioxide gas become trapped in batter, causing it to inflate, or rise.

Baking soda is well known for its ...Read more



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