From the Right



We Are Living in a Bizarro, 'Twilight Zone,' Zombie Apocalypse Nightmare! Just Look at Alejandro Mayorkas!

Wayne Allyn Root on

Mayorkas makes Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (who passed secrets about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union in 1945 and were executed) look like pikers.

Mayorkas is doing more damage to America and America's children than anyone in the history of America.

He is not only enabling and empowering the full-scale invasion of America, and letting barbarians into our country who will murder and rape your children, and infect your children with third world diseases, and bring pedophiles and perverts into our country, and the cost of this illegal invasion will force higher taxes that will destroy quality of life for your children -- but perhaps worst of all, Mayorkas is allowing all the fentanyl into America that will hook your children on drugs, ruin their lives and literally kill over 100,000 Americans annually.

One of them could be your child.

Wait, it gets worse. We just let 20 million brand-new illegals into America -- at least that many. Because this administration of suicide bombers admits 10 million have been welcomed in in the past 3 1/2 years. But that number does not include "gotaways." That at least doubles the number to 20 million -- maybe substantially more. And that's 20 million as of today. But by Trump's swearing in on Jan. 20, 2025, it may well be 30 million, or more.

Think about this. We've added 20 to 30 million new poverty-stricken patients, but no new doctors. This is the bankruptcy and collapse of our health care system.


And we've added millions of new criminals and terrorists, but no new cops. This will lead to mass chaos, anarchy and the worst crime wave ever seen in America's history.

It's already started.

Think what all these millions of illegal alien children added to public schools will do to retard your children's education and their future earning potential.

And how about the national debt? This foreign invasion is costing America about half a trillion dollars a year. That's what they admit -- it's probably much higher. That's trillions added to the national debt in the next decade. Our economy will be overwhelmed. Our country will collapse.


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Mike Smith A.F. Branco Dick Wright Michael Ramirez Bob Englehart Clay Bennett