From the Left



The Roberts Supreme Court: Too Extreme for Voters

Jamie Stiehm on

The John Roberts Supreme Court, a.k.a. the Extreme Court, is a clear and present danger to democracy. Its approval rating has sunk to a record low, under 40%.

Chief Justice Roberts is responsible for the worst rulings since Chief Justice Roger Taney rode into town for 30 years and set off the Civil War.

In fact, the court may yet grant Donald Trump presidential immunity from crimes committed in office. After all, Trump gloated, he named three young conservative "Federalist Society" members.

We may witness a hard political bargain this year.

But few will forget the June 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization ruling against reproductive rights.

Roberts heads a partisan Republican majority of six to three liberal members, all women. He's the one whose name will go down in history with Taney ("Tawny.")


The Dobbs decision may split the electorate into a volcanic rupture. A protest vote could come to the ballot box. Such a harsh stand against abortion rights (for your daughter, sister, wife or partner) could turn out to be a gift to the blue side of the spectrum.

Democratic lawmakers and strategists say the extreme Supreme Court is their secret weapon.

Across the nation, people registered outrage at violating a constitutional right. Dobbs meant for the first time in American history, the high court took rights away from citizens.

Five men and one woman (all raised Catholic) didn't blink an eye in reaching a radical opinion, blistering in tone, by Justice Samuel Alito, age 73.


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