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My Pet World: Addressing canine boredom and destructive behavior

Cathy M. Rosenthal, Tribune Content Agency on

Regular exercise is also crucial for Blair's well-being. Daily walks help burn off excess energy and prevent boredom-related behaviors. Finally, reinforcing basic obedience commands and providing positive reinforcement for good behavior can help reestablish boundaries for Blair as well.

This brings me to another adage, "A tired dog is a good dog." When dogs are tired and napping, they are less likely to be destructive.

Dear Cathy,

Doug in Salem, Virginia, had some wonderful comments about being present when his dogs were put to sleep, and you had a beautiful answer regarding the recent euthanization of your dog, Buster.

Unfortunately for me, when I had to have my 17-year lab mix Luke euthanized last July, I wasn't allowed to be present. The protocol of the veterinarian's office where Luke was treated and taken care of for over 16 years has not allowed pet owners into the office since COVID-19 began.

I wanted to be with Luke when he was sedated and not just when he was given the final injection. When Luke and I arrived at the vet's office, a new intern met us in the parking lot. I asked if I could carry Luke inside. I even brought a mask. He said I couldn't because Luke could walk a bit. When Luke saw me crying and handing the leash to the intern, he looked very confused.


I felt like picking him up and taking him into the office, but I didn't. I regret that I didn't. I should say that Luke could not have received better care and treatment in the almost 17 years I brought him to this veterinary clinic. Thanks to experimental medications, the doctors most likely helped Luke live another year or two. For that, I am truly grateful.

— Rob, Long Island, New York

Dear Robert,

I am touched by your heartfelt message and deeply saddened by the circumstances surrounding your final moments with Luke. It's difficult to say goodbye to a beloved companion, and not being able to be present in those final moments only adds to the pain.


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