Health Advice



An Ill Wind Blowing

Scott LaFee on

4. Goat Glands Cure involved transplanting goat testicles into men and goat ovaries into women.

5. Monkey Glands Cure. See goat glands cure, only with monkeys and primates.

6. Radiendocrinator was a card deck-sized device that emitted radioactivity from a tiny bit of encased radium. Men were supposed to stick it in their underwear to restore virility.

7. Radioactive water used the same premise: Radiation was good for you. It was distilled water with the essence of radium and mesothorium.

8. All-coconut diet required eating only coconuts, moving around on all fours, sleeping face down and practicing total nudity.

9. Zerret Applicator contained a mysterious liquid that purportedly emanated positive life energy. You held the applicator and basked in its glow. Tests later showed the liquid was tap water.


10. Integraton is a domed building in the California desert. You step inside and harness the electromagnetic forces of the Earth.


"3.14159265358979323846264338327950288" -- German-Dutch mathematician Ludolph van Ceulan (1540-1610) was the first to calculate the value of pi to 35 decimal places.


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