Health Advice




Scott LaFee on

It's not time to go grocery shopping yet, but a new published study suggests that a plant-based diet might protect people against COVID-19 infections.

The authors surveyed 702 adults, nearly half of whom has previously had COVID. Those who ate an omnivore's diet (meat, plants, everything) were more likely to have caught COVID (52%) than herbivores (40%).

There were obvious study limitations and caveats: People tend to struggle to remember and record what they eat, and meat-eaters typically have a higher rate of medical conditions, such as obesity and lower rates of activity, that are also known COVID risk factors.

So, if you're an eat-everything sort of person, not to worry (yet). More research is needed. If you're a vegetarian, relax and pass the peas, please.

Body of Knowledge

It has been estimated that one brow wrinkle is the consequence of 2,000 frowns.


Get Me That, Stat!

The weight-loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy are all the rage, but very expensive: roughly $900 for a month's supply, which you have to continue indefinitely. A study found that among price-challenged adolescents, nearly 1 in 10 opted for "budget Ozempic" or other risk ways to lose weight.

Budget Ozempic is berberine, a supplement touted to help reduce high levels of cholesterol, boost heart health and treat burns -- none of which have been scientifically confirmed. Other alternatives were chronic use of diet pills and laxatives, both of which pose significant and confirmed health risks.

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